Pewaukee, WI

Years of ABSF Membership:

Orthopedic Spine Surgeon

Why are you interested in being a member of the ABSF Board of Directors? 

I love the Birkiebiner. When asked what my favorite holiday is, I will say with all sincerity “The Birkie.” Skiing and the Birkie has had such a positive impact on my life that I would like to contribute to the organization’s continued success in the future.

What knowledge and skills do you possess that can benefit the organization?

I am a life long endurance athlete who has fallen in love with the Birkie after moving back to Wisconsin after living out of state for many years. I have completed 5 Birkie’s and several international World Lopper races, and I currently serve on the board of directors for two corporate enterprises and one academic society.

How do you see yourself helping to fulfill the ABSF vision, mission and values? 

Interestingly, I have never seen what the ABSF vision, mission, and values were until now, but the vision and values describe how I try to lead my life and raise my kids. There are many ways to achieve these goals, but I think if someone holds these values as their own, they will naturally inspire those around them to do the same. An organization will ultimately be a reflection of its leadership, so it is important to choose leaders whose character reflects the values you wish to promote.